April 4, 2006
Since Donald and I have been together, we have always enjoyed going to bookstores. This of course is due to the fact that on one of our first dates, Donald took me to my first book store. It was quite an event that neither of us will ever forget. I had a great love for books as a child, but as I grew up and the illustrations became less and less, I began to really dislike reading. Donald, being an avid reader, decided that this was one thing he had to change straight away, and with little difficulty. And one memorable trip to a little Crown Book store in Rancho Bernardo, I completely changed.
The bookstore was crammed with all kinds of books, from children's story books to adult only interests. You need to keep in mind that this took place 13 years ago, when there wasn't these giant Borders and Barnes & Noble book stores playing loud music. This was a very small and quiet bookstore with a library feel. I, of course, being incredibly naive and not knowing quite how to conduct myself, I was amazed that there were books about sex right there on the shelf. In a loud shocked voice I pointed this out to Donald, and much to his embarrassment the rest of the browsing customers. Today I am still grateful that this did not put Donald off on me, or taking me out in public.
Many years later, with hundreds of hours and dollars spent, we still frequent book stores and cherish every book we purchase.
And this last week Donald finally got me back for embarrassing him all those years ago.
I pretty much tend to look in very limited sections in a book store, the art, design, fashion, and children's books. Knowing this Donald can always find me no matter how big the store, and Donald has also started really enjoying the art, design and fashion sections with me. While walking down the
Again we found ourselves in a small book store that was without the loud music of the Borders of the world. To my complete happiness, the first section in the front to the store was art and design so we both headed over to the books. Donald walked around the corner from me and in a loud voice poked his head out from a stack of books on Graphic Design saying "Look honey!, male nudes!" Startled and with bright red cheeks, my eyes darted from the old lady standing next to me and back to Donald. Trying my best not to start giggling like a small child getting up to no good during a quiet moment in church, I ran for Donald grabbing his arm and pulling him out of sight. "I think you just put that old lady in shock!" I whispered excitedly. Donald and I both started giggling and I knew I had to remove myself from that section before I embarrassed myself more than what Donald had already done.
Donald stayed looking at the books with the old lady until we left. As we walked out Donald was proud of his accomplishment in getting me back and with a big smile he said, "You know that old lady is still over there looking for the book on male nudes that doesn't exist" :)
My favorite story of Don in bookstores is the "Knappy Hair" picture book that he read outload...:)
The ninja poster
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