Sunday, March 19, 2006

Monday, 20 March:

We had a celebrity citing this weekend. Not one that would mean much to most of our U.S. readers, but a celebrity that has been in the news over here quite bit. His/Her name is Pete Burns and s/he is probably most known for the hit single "You Spin Me Right Round" from the '80s. Over here, he was a recent contestant in Celebrity Big Brother which is a very popular show and is sponsored by my company. He was evicted from the house, but not before adhering to the adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Either way he is rather frightening looking and hard to miss, so when we were walking around Notting Hill, having just come out of a Paul and Joe store, we were not in any doubt as to whom we were looking at. Here is a picture of the celeb in question:
Other things of interest that we saw in and around Notting Hill included the coolest Orange store I have ever seen. The store's window display included three very antique phones with the features that once had consumers buying them in droves (easy dial rotary, coiled chord) and one modern phone (the Nokia N70) with video calling functionality. The interior of the store had framed pictures covering every possible inch of the walls, and on closer inspection, the pictures were of people who had been shopping in the store. Every few feet there were screens from Nokia that displayed pictures on a random loop, much like a screen saver. I will try and get back so I can get pictures of the place, but for a mobile phone store, I will leave at this: it is one of the few that Suzanne didn't mind going into. We also came across an old stone church that had display windows and a clothing store in it. At first Suzanne and I thought it was a converted church, but upon further review, it was in fact a church that was leasing out space for retail use. Odd combination that. I mean, it is always a part of my consciousness that churches need to make money in order to stay open and do God's work, but I never considered that they would rent out space for a retail store to do it. I wonder if they pass around a collection plate. And finally, I will leave you with a space invader's moment. This little guy was just sitting on a white wall with no signage or indication of what it meant.


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