Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tuesday, 11 October:

Well, as has become ritual, we checked in with the property management company to see if our money has arrived by the same day wire we did on Thursday. Yup, same day wire on Thursday and still no news on Tuesday morning. I was really beginning to get nervous about this, as four and a half month's rent is too much to just shite off. We had to leave a six week deposit, then we had to pay three months rent in advance, as we don't have jobs yet. So I started making back up plans and talked to the folks at . They said I could extend my stay, but that it would need to be for a minimum of four days. I didn't pay right away, as I wanted to see what would happen by the end of the day.

Went looking for more jobs on the net, and spent the day stressed out about the money. Suzanne, little mary sunshine, spent the day trying to tell me not to worry about it and that it would show up. I think the power of her positive attitude altered the universe, because around 4:30pm, we got the news that the money had arrived and headed over to the property agents to fill out the paperwork. Talk about elated! We now have a place to live! We filled out the paperwork, picked up the keys, then went back to the place to check it all out and see where we were going to put everything.

There ended up being sever delays on the Jubilee line tonight. We didn't realize this when the first two trains were so incredibly packed that we didn't want to try and shove our way in, perhaps we should have. Right after the second train left, the intercom blared to life and announced that because of a signal failure, there would be sever delays on the line. We ended up having to take three different trains to get to where we wanted to go. By the time we got back to the temp room, it was about 8:00pm. We packed for a couple of hours and got everything ready to go. I called directory assistance to get the name of a cab company, and I was impressed. Not only do they offer to connect you to the company of your choice, they also text you with the number. In my case, they texted three different cab companies to my phone so I had my choice. We ordered up a people mover cab, due to the six suitcases and multiple bags of stuff we had. This was essentially a VW minivan with regular car doors. 20GBP later and we were deposited outside our new place.

And finally, blessed rain!!! We finally got some cool weather and a bit of rain. Typically rain is good luck for both of us, so this was a good sign. (It even rained on our wedding day, but stopped by the time we needed to take outdoor pictures). We moved everything in and were pleased to find that the place came with a fitted sheet for the bed, so we didn't need to run out at 10:30 at night to see if we could find one. Of course the lilac color isn't a favourite with either of us, but better than nothing. The pillows were non-existent however. They were gauze bags filled with about a half teaspoon of fluff. Tomorrow we definitely get pillows.


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